Adlink PCI7260+ACL-10337. 8 kanalers relæ output, 8 isolerede digitale input, PCI

PCI kort med 8 relæer og 8 optoisolerede indgange

8-CH high power relay outputs (5A @ 250VAC or 30VDC)
8-CH isolated digital inputs with AC-filter
1-CH emergency shutdown input
Pluggable connector for high current input
Supports universal 32-bit 3.3V and 5V PCI bus
Initial state and safety state setting by DIP switches
Built-in watchdog timer

3 071  DKK
Eksklusive MVA
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Præ-defineret startstilling og speciel nødstop-funktion

Mulighed for at aflæse relæernes status - Speciel Nødstop-funktion; en ekstra indgang trigges og samtlige relæer stilles øjeblikkeligt til den forud definerede ”nødtilstand”, der er valgt på nogle små dip-switche på printet - Ved Power On stilles relæerne automatisk til den foruddefinerede Power On Tilstand.

REL8OPT8PCI+ (PCI-7260) is a PCI-bus, high-power relay output card for industrial automation and machine control. Each of all eight channels is capable to switch 5A current at 250VAC or 5A current at 30VDC. Its pluggable front-panel connector gives consideration to both carrying high current and easy wiring. The REL8OPT8PCI+ also provides eight isolated digital input channels with debouncing circuit. Futhermore, REL8OPT8PCI+ supports advanced features to make it feasible for industrial applications. The emergency shutdown input on the front panel lets users get back to a safety state set by a DIP switch regardless the system condition. The initial output status when powering on can be also set by a DIP switch. A built-in watchdog timer guarantees you that all the relays go back to the safety state when your compute halts.

8 optoisolerede (PC-3H4), fælles stel (minus) Logisk 0: 0 – 2 VDC Logisk 1: 5 – 24 VDC ndgangsniveau: ikke polariseret
4,7 KΩ
2.500 VDC
Drivere til DOS, Windows 2000, XP, Win7 og Win8samt Labview og Linux medfølger
Skrueterminal som kan afmonteres
8 skifterelæer (”klæbe-relæer”) Belastning: 250 VAC 5 A eller 30 VDC 5 A Skiftetid: typisk 10 ms