Fiber Cable Tester. Check fiber cable for breakage and review. The cable lights up where there is a defect. To SC / ST / FC

Fiber cable tester for SC / FC / ST / E2000 plug types
The tip of these fiber cables a 2.5mm
The tester's tip fits fiber ends with a diameter of 2.5mm
Sending visible light through the fibers.
In case of fracture, the fiber cable will light up on the spot.
By healthy cable, light is visible at the opposite end of the fiber

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TEST-FIBER-UNI er en fiberkabeltester, som tester for brud i en lysleder. TEST-FIBER-UNI tester kabler med 2,5 mm SC/FC/ST/E2000 stik

Ved test af kablet sættes stikket på TEST-FIBER-UNI adaptoren, så kablet lyser kraftigt op ved brud-stedet. På et sundt kabel ses lyset kun i den anden ende.


SC, FC, ST og E2000

2,5 mm universal
max cable length 10KM
Long battery life, up to 60 hours@1mW
12,9 x 1,8 x 2,2 mm
-10° - 50° C
2 AA alkaline batteries