Service console via the USB port on notebook. To VGA and USB and PS2. Up to Win7.

Suitable for the service technician
For Servers, embedded PCs that are not connected to KVM
A laptop will now be screen, keyboard and mouse.
Box has input for VGA
Box has USB output for emulation of keyboard and mouse.

5,056.00 DKK
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Using the KVM CONSOLE, a notebook PC can be turned into a keyboard, monitor and mouse that can be connected to e.g. servers, info stands, industrial PCs, KVM server switches or other equipment that has USB or PS/2 connections for mouse and keyboard as well as VGA screen output.

This means that the service technician does not have to carry so much equipment. It can all be in a notebook bag.

No drivers are required in the equipment being serviced as the KVM CONSOLE acts as a standard keyboard/mouse/monitor. This means that the equipment can be checked during the entire start-up - including BIOS start-up.

An accompanying program is installed on the notebook PC. The screen image is scaled up or down depending on the maximum resolution of the equipment and the laptop.

Bliver forsynet via USB
Op til 1920 x 1200
Windows 2000, XP, Vista og 7 32/64 bit, 8, MAC OS X og Linux