DVI kabler med guldbelagte kontakter
Standard DVI kabler med tyndere ledere end SLAC kabler. Anbefales ikke til kabler på over 5 m, med mindre der anvendes forstærkere.
Guldbelægning forhindrer korrosion og sikrer kontinuerlig, god forbindelse mellem stik
Ferritkerner i begge ender, nær stikkene forhindrer indstråling af HF støj
God rabat gives ved køb af større antal. Kontakt salgsafdelingen 56662020 el. salg@danbit.dk
Connect a DVI output on your video card to a DVI enabled monitor/TFT/plasma/projector. Please check sockets and documentation for compatibility due to the amount of different types of DVI sockets/cable (DVI-A/DVI-D/DVI-I/Single Link/Dual Link).
Very High Picture Quality.
True Digital Representation. Not possible with Analogue cables.
DVI-D transfers uncompressed digital video in its native format between source and display or between components. DVD-D precludes the typical digital-to-analog/analog-to-digital conversions between a computers video card and monitor and provides a higher quality and faster (wider bandwidth) interface. DVI-D is the interface used on the equipment of interest to the majority of readers of this site. Fortunately, DVI-D and the next iteration have much in common.