With US character set
USB connection 1.5 m Cable
USB A male
Dimensions: 370 x 140 x 25 mm
Passer i alle DANBITs rack-skuffer og 19” hylder
Small robust mini keyboard with Touchpad
wireless via RF (not BT) for RF USB-dongle
range up to 10 meters
target: 290 x 195 x 25 mm
Note Mouse Keys are sticky (plastic food)
Offers: Lager sales - limited stock.
Mini keyboard with touch pad
Norwegian layout
USB cable 1.8 meters (A male)
target: 370 x 139 x 20 mm
With Danish characters
USB cable 1.9 meters (USB A)
black with gray keys
target: 262 x 143 x 26 mm
Keyboard with Danish characters
PS / 2 connection
Target: 290 x 195 x 25 mm